Monday, November 30, 2015

Migration, Race, & Genetics

Today in class we completed researched about migration worldwide. To me, it was interesting to see how we automatically assume peoples' race by the way they look and more than half the time are completely wrong. On a page published by pbs, you were given a group of 20 people with 5 categories containing 4 slots. You then had to determine what race the person was based on their looks. I was shocked at how different my answers were than the actual ones. On the same website, that same group of 20 people where then shown divided by fingerprint type, blood type, and even darkness/lightness of their skin tones. There was also a page on the website that showed how the views of race have changed over the years and how the idea of "race" didn't develop until recent years. It talked about how when slavery existed, the concept of race did not exist. On a second website there was an interactive map of the world. As I began to click on country to country it showed me where the majority of the immigrants came from to the country and how many immigrants there were. I was shocked to see how some of the least expected places provided the largest amount of people to a country. For example, India, followed closely by Poland, provide the greatest number of immigrants to the United Kingdom. I think the biggest thing that stood out to me though, is that you really never know a person's story till you ask.

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