Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Perspective of Indians in 1887

So today, 10/27/15, in the U.S. History classroom, we decided to take another look at Indians. This time though, we used an online textbook from 1887 and read a few pages from it. We were also told to find some reliable definitions for two words...

savage- fierce, ferocious, cruel, and untamed

savagery- an uncivilized or barbaric state or condition

At first, we were supposed to just read pages 18-21. After reading this, Indians seem to be majestic and honorable. Of all the things I've ever read about Indians this was definitely the most positive. Then we were told to search for the word savages and read the blurbs that popped up. These blurbs, from the same text, had an entirely different view on Indians. We were then told to talk about how this textbook would've shaped our view on Indians if we were studying during that time. Before I read the blurbs I would've said these men (and women) were people of great character and that we should've just left them alone. After reading the blurbs I still stick with that statement. The whites came in and took over something that rightfully belonged to the Indians and they did nothing to deserve the hatred and the fighting that came with the invasion of the whites.

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