Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Propaganda Posters

So, today we took a test on progressivism (we shall see how that went) and after we were told to start our next homework assignment. We were asked to write a blog post for our answers so here it goes...

To me, the word propaganda reminds me of the Uncle Sam posters used to get men to fight in the wars (especially WWII). The word also brings to mind the government, promotion of political areas, and money because half the time you are being asked to help support one thing or another.

According to the wonderful world wide web, propaganda is information, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread widely to help or harm a person, group, movement, institution, nation, etc.

In this poster the first thing my eyes went to was the picture and not the words. More specifically my eyes went to the face. This is because it is a woman. Her cheeks are flushed and she appears to be sleeping. Next my eyes see the outfit she is wearing and finally I can focus on the words. I think the author wanted people to realize that America needs to step up and do more for its people. This poster appears to be aimed at young men because an attractive woman is pictured peacefully resting. 

In this poster the first thing my eyes went to was the word destroy. This is because it is at the top of the poster in big letters. Next, my eyes drift to the monkey savage thing carrying a person. And then my eyes notice the club the beast is carrying that appears to be covered in blood. I think the author of this poster is trying to say that America is letting the other nations walk all over us and we aren't even trying to fight back. This poster is targeting men because no gentleman would ever leave his woman in fear or in a dangerous situation. 

In this poster my eyes went straight to the word "HUN". This is because the word in all capital letters and is in a different color and font than the rest of the words. Then my eyes notice the bloody sword in the background and the person (? honestly don't know what that is...) holding it. In this poster I think the author is trying to tell America that we are too small to rely on the government alone and that we need the help of everyone. This poster targets men because what guy doesn't like a creepy character to battle against? 

I feel that it is unfair to the people who are barely getting by for the government to be spending their tax dollars on promotional posters. However, I also feel that in some cases it is needed in order to help America win the battle. 

I feel like the government thought it was needed to help win the war. I also feel like Americans knew we didn't have many men and supplies were hard to come by for us so they needed all the help they could get. 

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